Step 1:
Complete the RSVP form below then choose to pay by card or check. (Payment only needed from non-members)
Step 2:
After submitting the RSVP form below, choose payment method:
1. Card: Return to this page and click "Purchase Tickets" button.
*To pay with a credit/debit card, choose the yellow PayPal Checkout button.
2. Check: Mail check to
AFP Texas Plains Chapter
PO Box 1531
Amarillo, Texas 79105
email - [email protected]
Katie Niegos 325-280-8894
Complete the RSVP form below then choose to pay by card or check. (Payment only needed from non-members)
Step 2:
After submitting the RSVP form below, choose payment method:
1. Card: Return to this page and click "Purchase Tickets" button.
*To pay with a credit/debit card, choose the yellow PayPal Checkout button.
2. Check: Mail check to
AFP Texas Plains Chapter
PO Box 1531
Amarillo, Texas 79105
email - [email protected]
Katie Niegos 325-280-8894
After submitting the RSVP form, choose payment method:
1. Card: Return to this page and click PURCHASE button.
*To pay with a credit/debit card, choose the yellow PayPal Checkout button.
2. Check: Mail check to
AFP Texas Plains Chapter
PO Box 1531
Amarillo, Texas 79105
After submitting the RSVP form, choose payment method:
1. Card: Return to this page and click PURCHASE button.
*To pay with a credit/debit card, choose the yellow PayPal Checkout button.
2. Check: Mail check to
AFP Texas Plains Chapter
PO Box 1531
Amarillo, Texas 79105